Korean Animal Welfare Association flew to Toronto and they had a meeting with Ontario SPCA on Feb 1st, 2018.

They got impressed how much developing the animal shelters and the awareness of Canadian for animals are in this country.

And visit Robin adopter’s home how well Robin is doing. Robin has one eye and when he was rescued he missed the timing to cure eyes on right time.  Then he should took one eye out but nobody wanted him in Korea. However he met a forever home in Canada so Korean team got impressed Canadian people have no prejudice of the appearance and also Robin is doing well and get enough love from family.


All KOCA members had dinner with Korean Animal Welfare Association leaders and talked about the situation between in Korea and Canada. We had a good time and share various information about dogs and other animals.

 (FYI, we had dinner and it was paid by separate bill.)


And when they went back to Korea they left a card to KOCA team.

We appreciate their visiting and wish Korean dog shelter and animal welfare will be developed and safe soon.



Korean Animal Welfare Association  : http://www.animals.or.kr/

Ontario SPCA : http://ontariospca.ca/