Name before adoption: Rita
Name after adoption: Leto
Adoption date: December 2016
Breed: Mix, Male 
 *Before the Adoption
*After the Adoption 
Thank you for following up.
Yes, Ritta does have a new name, we started calling him ‘Leto’ shortly after he got home.
Leto is doing very well.  He’s gotten much more confident and has settled into his new home.  He’s still fearful around strange dogs (especially large ones) but we’re working hard to help him overcome that.
We recently took him to the vet and his checkup went very well, the vet confirmed that Leto is in excellent health  We got him a full suite of vaccinations and also got anti flea and tick medication since we’ll be taking Leto camping with us this summer.
I’ve included several pictures of Leto from the past few months as well as a picture of his Rabies Vaccination tag.
 Hello Koca

Thank you for following up.  Leto is doing very well, he’s a happy and healthy puppy.  He continues to get more confident around strangers, but he’s still very timid around strange dogs (He’s slowly improving though). sent on March 1st, 2018

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