Name before adoption: Prince
Name after adoption: Ghost
Adoption date: January 2017
Breed: Jindo mix,  Male


*Before the adoption

*After the adoption

“We’ve renamed Prince as Ghost. He’s settled in very nicely-he likes to relax on the couch and follow us around the house, but he also loves to play and go for walks outside. He’s such a sweet, smart boy! He basically house trained himself within the first two days of being at our place, and already knows so many commands and tricks. ”

Thanks for checking in on us. I hope everyone at KOCA is doing well.

Ghost is doing great! He’s gotten significantly larger than he used to be when we adopted him back in January. He weighs about 35lb now – he was 21lb when we first got him. Our vet has told us that he still has some more weight to put on, so we’ve been adjusting his diet. He’s up to date on all of his shots, and is on preventative heartworm and flea/tick medicines.
Ghost used to be a bit tentative about going outside in the beginning, but he loves to go for walks now (even when it’s absolutely pouring outside). He’s also become very social with other dogs, and he loves to play whenever he gets a chance. He’s quite gentle, though, and has never bitten or barked at on anyone!
I’ve attached a few recent pictures to this email. You’ll definitely be able to see how much he’s grown, especially when compared to his “Before Adoption” pictures on the website!
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to bring Ghost into our family. He’s the sweetest dog and we’re so grateful to have him in our lives.


*Updated Photos on Jan 26th, 2018

Hi there –

Ghost’s grown a ton over the last year! He’s almost doubled in weight, going from 20lb to around 40lb. He also stretched out quite a bit – he went from being around 23 inches from neck to the base of his tail to 28 inches. None of the clothes we bought last year fit him anymore!

He’s been super healthy since day one. The vet told us that he’s in optimum health, and that all he needs are his yearly shots. I’ve taken Ghost for 3~4 hour walks when the weather was nicer, and I tired much faster than he did. He loves to run and play with his doggie friends, and has been getting better with strangers. He’s also a very good boy when he has to stay home alone for brief periods of time – never has accidents in the house, doesn’t chew on any furniture or shoes, and just waits patiently until I come back home.

I’m attaching some photos of Ghost to this email, including a before and after! We couldn’t be happier to have him as a part of our family. Thank you so much to both KOCA and the team in Korea for doing a splendid job with bringing over wonderful dogs to Canada, and for giving us a chance to give Ghost a forever home. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re ever curious about how Ghost is doing!

Best wishes,

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