Name before adoption: Jerry
Name after adoption: Tony
Adoption date: Sept. 2018
Breed: mix. Male

From new family:

Thank you for your message and concern for our sweet Tony boy.First development he has since we got him is that he started barking once in a while now.He was so quite and very shy,now we are so happy and excited whenever we hear him barking(he barks just few seconds) He loves playing with us but something we noticed that, he is a man hater.He seems not comfortable with any guys we meet somewhere(even my son and my hubby).He goes with them too but not that long.He loves playing and snuggling with me and my daughter(sometimes slept with my daughter) He loved playing with ladies(my daughter’s friends)that’s why my son is sometimes jealous that he wanted us to adopt another one.

In spite of his age we found him so smart! Now he knows and understand some basic commands just like,come,sit,stay,stand up and walk few steps, shake hand(on his right)and high five on his left!Tony is really awesome! His next lesson will be fetching, that I am planning to teach him this summer take him outside so he can have more space to run.

Tony is in good health! We found a very caring and loving Vet for him.He is over weight now that we always give him food.He loved to eat chicken,cheese,green beans and brown rice.We gave him his foods too.I think we spoiled him a lot(now he’s starting to be picky)My kids bought him a lot of treats and accessories.

We took him regularly to grooming(especially his treatment for shedding,he was shedding a lot.Treatment really helps)
My daughter have some photos of him and I think she already posted on Instagram last night.

Lastly,Tony is really smart that he knows his daily/hourly routine.It’s so funny that he sometimes reminds us especially his walking time(he goes at the front door waiting for us to take him out!)

Once again,a big THANK YOU for giving us Tony!He is our youngest family member! We love him so much!

After adoption 

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