Name before adoption: Henry
Name after adoption: Benji
Adoption date: May 16th, 2017
Breed: Schunauzer


*Before the adoption



*After the adoption

“Thank you for following up! Benji is doing great and has perfectly fit in our family. He is such a good dog. He is patient, friendly and loves people and other dogs. He appreciates everything he gets and never ask for anything. We always say that he’s such a polite dog! Everyone who meets him adores him. He’s very laid back and likes to rest on soft blankets whenever he can. We really couldn’t ask for a better dog. We all love him very much.

I think that he is still not 100% himself yet but we’re patient and I know that he will continue to feel more comfortable as time goes on. He seems unsure of himself sometimes or not know what to do. I think it’s because of his past. But I think he is beginning to trust us and I find that he is staring to look at me for direction if he doesn’t know what to do.

I also know that he’s staring to feel like he’s part of our family because one day when we had friends over with their dog, and the other dog was jumping up on our kids, Benji went in front of the kids and was ‘protecting’ them from the other dog. It was sweet to see that he was trying to protect his family.

I’ll take some nice recent pictures during the day and send some to you shortly.”


Thank you for following up!  Benji is doing great and celebrated his 1 year adoptoversary by going to the dog park and pet store to pick out a treat 🙂
He puts a smile on our faces every day and is always such a good boy.  We couldn’t ask for a better furry friend.  Here are a couple of pictures from his adoptoversary day at the dog park 🙂
We will come to the event on May 26.  See you then! // sent email on May 23rd, 2018

*After adoption

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