Name before adoption: Epen
Name after adoption: Bella
Adoption date: February 2017
Breed: Shitzu, Female
“We have been having a great summer! Bella experienced her first trip to New Brunswick in June when I visited my dad. She got to roam across 4 acres of land, relaxing and going for walks along country roads.

We have also been spending a lot of time at our family cottage. My mom has a cat and at first, Bella was very curious about him and insisted on finding him at every opportunity. The cat was quite unsure about Bella’s curiosity!! It took a few visits for things to settle down but now they get along just fine. Bella has gone for canoe and motor boat rides and enjoys chasing ducks off the beach.
Last weekend was Bella’s first camping trip at Sandbanks Provincial Park with some friends. She’s a great little camper!! She slept in the tent just fine and roamed around the campsite on a long tethered leash. She loved spending time on the beach relaxing in the shade. We hope to do more camping next summer.
This summer we have learned that Bella has a very sensitive GI tract. She has experienced some diarrhea and vomiting – and after some tests at the vet, they have confirmed that there’s no underlying issue and likely a food allergy. We have taken her care very seriously and are relieved that she is healthy. She has bounced back quite well now and is back to her old self.
Attached are a few photos from spending time up north and with our friends ?”
*After the adoption

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