Name before adoption: Daughter
Name after adoption: Jimmy
Adoption date: Aug 10th, 2017
Breed: Shitzu

*Before the adoption

*After the adoption

“Jimmy is settling in well and his potty training is ongoing. He adores his big sister Addie and pesters her constantly. He also loves his toys. Jimmy loves to snuggle in our bed at night.

 He was having some trouble going up and down the steps to the backyard, there were 4 of them. Fearing he might fall and hurt himself, my husband tore out the steps and built him a ramp. Now he loves sliding down it when he is feeling rambunctious.
 I had him to the Vet last week and they did a full x-ray series on his leg, the x-rays have been sent off to an orthopedic surgeon to see if there is anyway to get some mobility in his back right leg.  He gets around well, vets concern is in time it could cause him problems with his back as he compensates and therefore tends not to keep his back or hips in alignment.
 We absolutely love Jimmy and are so grateful that we were selected to bring him into our home.” Sep 11th, 2017
“Jimmy is doing great. He is such a happy little guy. He has finally won over our old Shihtzu and they are inseparable.
He loves our grandkids and plays with them constantly when they are visiting.
He has gained a little weight, absolutely loves to eat especially the homemade dehydrated doggie treats I make them.
Thank you  again for introducing Jimmy into our family, he is such a delight and we love him dearly. ” Dec 09,2017

Jimmy is doing great. He has settled in and is quite the character. He loves to tease me, when I go in to have a shower he will run in and grab my nightgown and run away with it.

He loves sitting on my lap in the evening.  He and Addie have become great friend and often curl up together when sleeping.

He is such a joy and brings us many laughs, we are grateful to have him and love him dearly.

Shelley on March 1st, 2018

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