Name before adoption : Bi
Adoption date : Dec. 2019
Pomeranian. Male. 4y.

From new family :

Happy New Year to you both as well. I hope that this email finds you well, and in postive spirits. My family and I would like to thank you kindly for reaching out to us in reference to Bi aka Bi Bi’s progress.

I will admit that it has been a real blast having him this past year. He is overall, a very affectionate, loving, well behaved dog. However, he does have his moments of stubborness. He is also very greedy, and protective of his toys and also has a tendency to pee and poop on my two shag rugs from time to time. He typically wil do this if I or my husband go downstairs to do the laundry.

He has also gone to the bathroom in our daughters room three times since we have had him. We took him to the vet, where they said nothing is worong with him and that he is very healthy dog and might be doing in to make us upset because he was left alone. He was never doing this before, but we are trying to deal with it as best as we can. Other than that everyone in our family simply loves and adores him.

He is very sweet and is always giving kisses. Even to strangers who are homeless. He is still a bit over weight. However, he has learned how to fetch and bring the ball back to mommy(me). As for social media, our family is refraining from going there due to the abundance of covid-19 related posts.

We have attached a picture of Bi(Bi-Bi) which was this evening. He loves dress up for pictures. If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not be afraid to reach out to us. Also, we still reside at the same residence. When the pandemic is over you more than welcome to come and visit us. We would love to see you. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.(Jan. 2021)

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