Name before adoption: Dawin
Name after adoption: Jessie
Adoption date: September 2016
Breed: Schnauzer  mix, Female

“We love our Jessie!!! Duke and Jessie is just two amazing dogs!!! They are so  good together.
Clean bill of health this year ….last year she was protein deficiency and malnutrition. Very underweight… now she is almost 23 pounds from 17.
All muscles!!!! We are all update on all her shots!!!
See photos below…
All my young and old violin students love her… she stays with me when I teach…, I think she loves music!!!!
We go out for walk 3 short ones and 2 longs a day. They love running around the park up down the hills.

One thing we really have to watch her because she loves chasing  rabbits … and any small animals..she is pretty fast!!! Pretty proud mom here!!

Thank you”


*Before the adoption

*After the adoption

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