News from Joongang Daily about Korean Animal Welfare Association visiting to Toronto

…기다리는 중이어서 향후 활동이 크게 기대되고 있다. 체리티등록과 동자연 협력 체계가 완성되면 , 버려지는 한국 유기견들을 위한 보호막이 훨씬 커질 전망이다.   Check the website at Korean Daily Toronto…

Korean Animal Welfare Association visited to SPCA in Toronto

…visiting and wish Korean dog shelter and animal welfare will be developed and safe soon. KakaoTalk_20180204_163440346 KakaoTalk_20180204_122953761     Korean Animal Welfare Association : Ontario SPCA :  …

Dog training seminar with Terry Lim

…anyone has difficulties about dog training or house breaking with our rescue dogs after you have adopted dogs you can find Terry Lim through KOCA Dog Rescue team. Contact: